EXTRA: a hands-on service for your home renovation or build project.

You’ve attached an architect, builder and/or interior designer to your project.

And you want a little extra.

Extra expert eyes, extra communication, extra problem-solving

Because this is earth and we are humans – there will be some hiccups.

It’s nice to have a little extra. Let’s keep the timelines on track, the costs in check, the drop-of-the-hat construction decisions informed.

EXTRA is a really high-touch, hands-on, niche, expert (and fun for me!) service. I care deeply about creating excellent outcomes.

Understand that this service hugs the contours of your project — and you as a homeowner and person.

(I am a hugger, but I don’t mean that to sound weird.)

Due to all that specialness - we need to make sure we’re a fit and that there is time in the Perch books for your project.

By application only:

Thank you!! I will email you back shortly!

PS: If you don’t already have your team attached, click here for my White Glove Package that does exactly that.